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elle-nora's Highlander Fan Site

Highlander Links

Here are some Links to Some of My Favorite Highlander Pages:


A new repository for all sorts of fan fiction. Most of my fan fiction is also being archived there. Stop by and read and review.

The Book of Darius

Note: My stories Please Remember Me and Who Wants to Live Forever are also archived there.

The Official Higlander Bulletin Board

Note: Most of my stories can be found on the Fan Fiction Forum. Change the box in the upper right hand corner to "Show All Topics" and search for stories or threads by elle-nora'.


An older site with everything you always wanted to know about Methos... and then some.

Mathew MacLeod's The Watcher Chronicles

Independent film-maker Matt has an interactive database that features most of the immortals of all the various film incarnations. It's as good quick resource.

The Methos Chronicles

This link takes you to a page where you can download the Flash series of this brief animated Methos adventure.

Peter Wingfield Fan Club

The official fan club dedicated to supporting the acting career of Peter Wingfield. I attended their con in Memphis in 2006 and Philadelphia in 2007.

Adrian Paul UK Fansite

Ertia: Methos' Lost Love Slave

Andy Sloane's Watcher Chronicles

One of the best and most complete sites to offer background information on all canon immortals. A quick way to check the information of even minor charaters.

Holy Ground Forum

Nash Antiques

Absolutely the best and most complete site I've found for information about Connor MacLeod.

My Old Fan-Site


Thanks for stopping by!

Highlander is a registered trademark of Davis-Panzer Productions and nothing on this site in any way is meant to infringe on their property. This is a fan site dedicated to the concept of immortals who live amongst us and no profit will be made by this site.

In the end, all shall be one

In the end, all shall be one.